Market research

Publication paper

Export to Korea, Japan

Market research

VNC provides market research services in many different fields with various research methods. Based on our research, you can gain a better understanding of the local market and choose which market-entry strategy will be right for your products, services, and goals.

Basic structure:

  • Introduction: Market overview (trends, size, status, etc.)
  • Main Part: Analyzing the situation related to the topic (competitors & product comparison, potential buyer)
  • Conclusion: evaluate the product/service suitable to Vietnam market or not? Plus suggestion.
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Publication Paper

Product proclamation is the first and most important legal procedure to start selling conditional import products, such as Cosmetic, General Food, Functional Food, etc. in Vietnam.

Under Vietnam Law, in order to register a product, you must have an importer who holds the product registration. The importer can be your subsidiary or your distributor in Vietnam. Please note that only Product Registration Holder is allowed to import your registered products into Vietnam.

Click icons below for more information of the process of conditional product announcement (cosmetic, normal food, functional food). Contact VNC for advice on the most up-to-date and suitable process for your product!


This field will be expanded in the future. VNC will contantly update the latest information.

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Don't hesitate to get in touch with any inquiries, suggestions or concerns. We will reach out to you soon.