Frequently Asked Questions
Based on supplier provided information, VNC will contact with our current buyer data to match supplier’s products/services. VNC keep increasing our database to making a good meeting results for both supplier and buyer.
Appointments are in 15-30 minutes increments with a 5 minutes break in between each appointment and lunch break in 1 hour. There are 3-5 appointments per day and normally the appointment begins at 9:00 a.m and end at 4:00 p.m (Vietnam Time zone: UTC/GMT +7:00 hours).
The total number of appointments will be based on how well your firm matches up to the product and service needs of the participating business representatives. Please note that the more complete your seller profile, the higher the likelihood of making good matches.
1. Be prepared! Advanced preparation is the key to success
- Prepare a meeting agenda will lead the meeting moving smoothly.
- Do your homework! Research your potential partner, visit their websites.
2. Be concise. You have a limited amount of time to make an impact and start to develop a relationship
- Be on time and dress appropriately
- Bring a capability statement: Highlight your company’s qualifications and unique product/service.
3. Follow up post-event
- Don’t be overly concerned about immediate outcomes and securing a contract. The point of attending a matchmaking event is to start a conversation and build a relationship overtime.
- If you are persistent about keeping in touch, and quick to respond when your contact reaches out to you, you can be well positioned to take advantage of profitable opportunities that come your way.