1. Manufacturer:
TWOL is a Korean company that has been cultivating cordyceps for more than 20 years. TWOL cordyceps products are grown in 100% oat environment and are produced in the best processing facility.
TWOL owns a patent on farming cordyceps oat, along with the certifications: “Certificate of environmentally friendly agricultural products”, “Certificate of excellent agricultural products”.
2. Main ingredients:
Cordyceps – “winter worm, summer grass” – has long been known as a precious oriental medicine with many special uses for health. These uses come from specific medicinal substances, including cordycepin, which is well known for its immunomodulatory, antiviral, preventive and therapeutic effects in some cancers, anti-oxidation, anti-aging, anti-diabetes, liver protection, cardiovascular diseases, anti-malarial, anti-osteoporosis, etc. In particular, the researchers verified that cordyceps is grown in Korea contains higher amount of cordycepine than cordyceps caterpillar (China).
3. Uses:
7 Striking uses of Korean cordyceps in the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases:
- Respiratory diseases: Protect the lungs, clean the lungs;
- Urinary diseases: Decreased blood sugar;
- Melanoma: The tumor suppression rate is 83%, the development of NK cells (natural killer cells, temporary translation of natural killer cells);
- Gynecological and physiological diseases: Reduce symptoms of menopause, cough, chronic headache, neuralgia, arthritis, help beautify the skin;
- Cardiovascular disease: Promote heart health, regulate heart rate;
- Blood vessel disease: Remove cholesterol, circulate blood, increase arterial health in people with high blood pressure;
- In particular, cordyceps helps increase resistance by 28%, strengthens the immune system, and makes the body healthier.
4. Direction:
- Brew tea, cook porridge or eat directly, etc.
- This product is not a medicine, it is not a substitute for medicine.
5. Storage:
- Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight,
- Please use immediately after opening the package.